Equine Spiritual Retreat
Nature gifted horses with a deep awareness and an incredible ability of interpreting every signal from their surroundings. This makes it possible for them to understand a lot about humans, their feelings and their emotions. Horses receive information about people directly from the heart, so they can understand what words can never illustrate. When we stand in front of a horse, it's like standing in front of a mirror and receiving immediate feedback about who we are and what others perceive about us.
Whether you're seeking answers about yourself, your inner balance and the power within, a spiritual awakening, or simply a peaceful corner where you can quiet your mind and learn to listen to your inner guide, these relaxing and peaceful activities which are performed with the horses will touch your heart and soul. During this soothing retreat, the horses will reveal themselves as powerful teachers, able to guide you in your search for truth and show you the path to the realization of your True Self. You will be able to reconnect with your inner beauty, to create and maintain positivity in all aspects of your life.
If you allow them, horses can teach you clarity, honest communication, focus and the simplicity of truth, all which lead to real, lasting happiness. They will teach you to see grace and abundance in nature, how to breathe with it and fill yourself of light and powerful energy. Their unconditional love will transmit to you the power of true acceptance. You will understand that there is a simple way of asking in order to receive. Their deep truthfulness and profound honesty will accompany you step by step in the process of your re-birth.
During this workshop, you will work with the horses to uncover and heal imbalances in your life. You can either select a specific issue that you would like to work on, or come with no agenda and let the work with the horses expose where you need guidance. Learn to dance with life as you embark on a spiritual journey towards a new self.